career management
for organisations
Restructure & Outplacement Programs
In recognising what is a difficult time for employees and employers, talentinsight partners with organisations to provide confidential and high quality employee support during business restructures and change agendas.
Our programs seek to minimise business risk and provide individuals with the knowledge, skills and confidence to engage with the market in a timely and supported manner.
Our end-to-end support includes guidance for business leaders implementing the change, onsite workshops and customised coaching programs that are designed to respectfully and expediently support impacted employees.

Rebuild & Redeployment Programs
For those who remain with a business following major structural change, the ability to adapt and operate under new working parameters is imperative to both business and individual career success. Rebuilding and refocusing teams is crucial if engagement, retention and productivity are to be optimised.
Working with organisations and their leaders we design and implement workshops and executive coaching programs that build career resilience and alignment with new organisational direction.
These programs are designed to equip leaders with both the communication frameworks and operational clarity to drive high impact and lasting change.
Career Mobility Programs
With employees now more prepared to undertake international relocations and explore internal lateral career moves, career mobility programs have become a key driver of retention, engagement and productivity.
talentinsight’s career mobility workshops and coaching programs are designed to assist individuals recognise and align personal career ambitions with organisational agendas.
Aimed at building a strong partnership focus between employee and employer, the programs equip individuals with the skills to effectively own their career pathway and manage the personal and professional aspects of a global, national or internal move.

Career Development Programs
As organisations continue to operate against ongoing backdrops of volatility and change; individuals are faced with the need to consider new ways of proactively owning and pivoting in their career pathways.
Based on our Career Currency™ methodology, talentinsight’s customised programs are designed to assist individuals effectively manage their career by helping them to:
Establish and maintain a genuine understanding of their career circumstances
Engage in productive performance and career discussions
Build career resilience
Confidently engage during times of organisational change
Recognise the signs of career crossroads and subsequent actions to reduce the risk of a falling Career Currency’™